In the 2020s, an airtight digital marketing strategy is essential for the success of your business, regardless of your industry or size. Consumers are making their buying decisions through search engines and social media. It is not enough to simply have a web presence; you must be able to set yourself apart from your competitors and engage with your digital community of existing and potential customers. Here are some key items to consider in this area.

Understand Your Vision and Audience

Do you know what your business’ specific goals are? Have you communicated measurable key result areas to your staff? Success is measured differently in different fields, so it’s important to define what a win looks like to your company, and the metrics you will use to measure growth. It may be an increase in market share, a spike in revenue, or increased web traffic. Define success with your key decision-makers and make it clear to every employee.

The flip side of this is identifying your target audience. It’s helpful to personify them and give them attributes like age and income, which can be easily shared with employees to help them think about what these people would respond to.

Plan a Consistent Strategy and Voice

Consistency in branding is a cornerstone of any marketing strategy. This applies to digital as well as traditional media. Customers should be able to find the same brand voice and style across mediums and platforms. Keep the look, messaging, and tone consistent, simply resize and optimize the delivery system on a case-by-case basis. For example, you may create square videos for Instagram or Facebook to reach people scrolling through their feeds on smartphones, but the content should be the same as your rectangular broadcast video ads.

Assign Responsibilities and Reporting Methods

Once you’ve set your goals and determined how you will measure success, you must make sure everyone involved in your strategy’s implication understands exactly what their role in the process is, and what they are responsible for. This makes it much easier for everyone with a stake in the process of focus and buy-in. Of course, any successful strategy must be trackable, so make sure you set up reporting methods that can tell you how your content is performing, who it is reaching, and how it is converting to sales to determine if it is effective.

Digital is new turf, but the basic tenets of multi-medium marketing still apply. Define your goals, be consistent, and track your progress.