Ten Touch Plan

Ten Touch Planâ„ 

A strong plan is key! The Ten touch Plan is the ultimate tool for businesses that want to take their marketing plans to the next level. It keeps goals focused, easily evolves, and adapts to needs and changes builds momentum, and saves time and money.

The Ten touch Plan was developed over 20 years, the foundation for the creative success of a major global division. Now it is being brought to all businesses interested in achieving new levels of success.

The Ten Touch Plan provides all the critical elements to achieve your marketing goals:

  • Create a consistent brand identity and voice
  • Build brand awareness
  • Engage and convert target audiences to customers
  • Keep the brand top-of-mind
  • Inform, educate, and inspire your target audiences!

Building a Strong Foundation

The Ten Touch Plan is a strategy that combines the key elements of any marketing plan – patience, persistence, and momentum. The Plan provides the means to keep a strong consistent message in front of your target audience.

Building a solid and productive marketing plan is much like building a home. You start with a strong foundation – your brand image and your website. Then the main structural elements are added, such as social media presence, email marketing, or digital advertising.

The house starts to take form, and the overall structure is completed with key elements like content marketing, blogging, and more. Finishing touches, that add all the curb appeal, are completed. They bring visitors to your door – SEO campaigns, SEM, reputation management, and more.